Physical Health & fitness

Physical Activity! Something so simple that has numerous health benefits for young people.

Not only does it improve their overall health and fitness, it can also help to improve behaviour, self confidence, social skills and sleep. 

Benefits of regular exercise for young people

Improves fitness building strong heart, bones and muscles

Opportunity to socialise

Increased concentration and learning

Lowers stress and supports emotional well-being

Encouraging growth and development

Improving self-esteem and confidence 

Better sleep and energy levels

Reducing the risk of disease in later life

Active Lives and Young People Survey

Despite the widely reported benefits of physical activity, most adults and children are not meeting the daily recommendations. In Bracknell:

Of YP are doing less than the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day
0 %
of year 7-8 YP are doing less than the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day
0 %
of year 9-11 YP are doing less than the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day
0 %

Sport England Active Lives

Further information for schools and teachers who want to take part in the children and young people survey

Physical Activity Guidelines

Children and young people age 5 – 18 should take part in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, plus muscle and bone strengthening activities three days per week. 

They should also reduce the time they spend sitting for extended periods or time; such as time spent watching TV, playing computer and video games or swapping a car or bus journey for walking part of the way.

Find out more about physical activity guidelines

PA guidelines

promoting physical Activity for Children and young people

A summary of selected new evidence relevant to NICE public health guidance

what works in schools and to increase physical activity

A resource for head teachers, colleges, principals, staff working in education settings, school nurses, directors of public health, county sports partnerships and wider partners.

Resources for Schools on Physical Activity

Schools play a crucial role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and should give pupils plenty of opportunities to be physically active during school time. The government recommends that schools should support young people to achieve 30 minutes of physical activity a day, through active break times, PE and extra curricular activities. 

This Girl Can

Activities and posters encouraging girls and young women to take up sport

Eco Rewards

Offering rewards and incentives for schools and communities in Bracknell Forest to encourage greener and more active travel

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