Online Relationships

The internet! A place of endless possibilities to learn, create and connect!

But with the digital world changing all the time, how do we make sure children stay safe while online. 

It’s never too early to think about developing good habits when using technology. With around 42% of 5 – 7 year old’s owning a tablet, it’s important that as they start to explore the many experiences the internet has to offer, we ensure they learn effective strategies for staying safe while considering their own behaviour online. 

Safer Internet UK Notes 4 Potential Online Risks Children Should Be Aware of:


Awareness of the benefits of time spent on and offline, with the awareness of how their own and other’s online behaviour may impact mental well-being


Age-inappropriate or unreliable content can be available to children. Children should know how to report inappropriate conversations, messages and images


Sometimes people behave differently online, including bullying or pretending to be someone they are not. Children should tell a trusted adult is something is making them uncomfortable


Young people can be unaware of hidden costs and advertising in apps, games and websites. 

Online Safety Tips For Parents

phone locked

Put Yourself In Control

Use the parental controls on your home broadband and any internet-enabled devices.

laptop screen

Use Passwords

Keep your devices out of reach and set passwords on all your internet-enabled devices. Helps to avoid unwanted purchases


Search Safely

Use safe search engines such as or Safe search settings can also be activated by Google and YouTube.


Check It's Suitable

The age ratings that come with games, apps, films and social networks are a good guide to whether they’re suitable for your child. The minimum age limit is 13 for several social networking sites, including Facebook and Instagram.

business team working

Explore Together

Encourage them to tell you what they are doing online and explore it together. Encourage them to use devices in communal areas such as the kitchen or the lounge so you can see what sites they’re visiting.

mum and kids reading

Share Strategies

Such as turning off the screen and telling a trusted adult if they see something they are not comfortable or are being bullied. Encourage them to think before they post.

Internet Matters

Advice and tips for parents on keeping children safe online


Animations and activities to help 8 – 10 year olds learn how to stay safe online

Resources for Schools on Online Relationships

Teaching children and young people about how to stay safe and have healthy relationships online is more than just teaching about cyber-bullying. It’s about learning the fundamental skills to maintain safe and healthy relationships irrespective of whether these are online or offline. 

NSPCC Share Aware

Lesson plans and classroom guidance to help teach children to stay safe online. 


Lesson plans and activities for children ages 3 to 19 including social networking, cyber-bullying, grooming, downloading and file sharing

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