
Smoking! One of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK.

It”s no wonder that more than ever, young people are choosing not to smoke. However, preventing young people from taking up smoking is key to reducing smoking related harm as two thirds of adult smokers begin smoking before the age of 18.

Young people who start smoking

Are more likely to become heavier smokers

Are more likely to have a higher level of dependency

Have a lower chance of quitting in later life

Are at higher risk of developing conditions such as lung cancer and heart disease 

Smoking and Young People

The proportion of children and young people who have ever smoked continues to decline. The NHS Digital Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England 2018 Survey noted that 16% of 11 – 15 years old’s had ever smoked at least once (the lowest ever for the survey), compared to 19% in 2016 and 49% in 1996. 

5% of pupils are were classified as current smokers, down from 22% in 1996.

NHS Digital

Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young people in England 2018 – Report 

Resources for Schools on Smoking

Teaching about the risks and harms of smoking in schools can help to create an environment that  support students to develop healthy attitudes and educate them about the risk associated with smoking.

PHE Rise Above

Teacher resource on smoking and vaping for Key Stage 3

NICE Guidance

School-based intervention to prevent the uptake of smoking among children

Targeted Youth Service

Debbie and Bianca are are trained and experienced professionals who run anti-smoking workshops for year 7 students in all local secondary schools.  

Delivered as part of the curriculum and workshops cover and range of topics inlcuding the effects of smoking on health, nictoine addiction, the law around smoking and selling tobacco along with busting myths about smoking, stress and weight loss. 

Outside the classrom, they also offer pupils confidential telephone and text support.

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